2 in 1 Wooden Montessori Climbing Playsets: Colorful TOR + LIV Colorful Rock Ramp / Slide
While a bit pricey, we have purchased pieces at a time and are extremely happy with the quality. You pay for what you get. Our 4 1/2 and 1 year old grandkids are loving it!
My kids spend countless hours playing with this climbing set, and I'm amazed by their boundless imagination! They come up with the most incredible fantasies while playing.
The teepee is exactly as pictured, but you can’t really tell how high quality it is until you see it! The fabric is so thick and soft and all the materials used are high quality. It took me less than 10 minutes to install. Toddler loves it! We all do :).
Fått det nå for noen uker siden. Virker veldig solid bygget og er stødig. Ungene på 1år og 2,5 år elsker det
Jentene elsker klatrestativet, både 1- og 4-åringen. De får boltret seg, utforsket og «tøffet» seg. God kvalitet, lekre farger og enkelt å sette sammen. Og ikke minst - takk for en fantastisk service! Vi har allerede kjøpt flere produkter hos Forest Kids.
Climbing ramp
Det var nøyaktig som bestilt, og fikk raske svar fra selger 10/10
I loved the the bet, than arch and slide. Feel good quality and help my 16 month old bull his strength
For the climbing arch in can also use it as a rocker as well.
I can switch it and put the slide anywhere
High quality climbing tower! Very happy with our purchase and the customer service we’ve received!
Easy to set up. Pretty good size. My 5 year old daughter loves it
Montessori Climbing Arch
I ordered a similar tent from Amazon for my granddaughter for Christmas. It never came so I finally gave up and ordered this one. I’m so glad I did - It’s very attractive, so easy to put together, and she LOVES it! It came quickly when they said it would. Buy it you’ll be very happy you did!
We bought these stackers along with the nested bear dolls and some wooden train toys. As soon as they came out of the box, my kid smiled, grabbed them, and took them everywhere.
Great toys made from quality materials!
So happy with my decision to buy the kitchen helper from Forest Kids Norway. I considered several other versions, but settled on this one because it seemed to be the highest quality product. It lived up to my expectations in every way - sturdy, easy to put together, and looking good. My daughter of 16 months uses it every day for both fun and participation in the kitchen and loves it. Will without a doubt choose Forest Kids Norway for other products.
It is a well made teepee. The colors are achromatic. Easy to assemble. I specially love the materials used for the teepee. Simple and beautiful.
Veldig fornøyd med klartestativet. Barnet mitt elsker det, spesielt sklia. Veldig bra at man kan flytte på de ulike delene 😁
Our son LOVES IT! it is also decorative in the living room. Quick delivery😊
I also believe this will be super helpful for any new babies
Great high chair, it will grow with the child.
We are so happy with the product. Thank you Forest Kid’s 👏